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Allergans Botox 100iu 150iu 500iu Injection Wrinkles Remove -S

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  • Size: Default Size
  • Origin: China
  • Usage: Default Usage
  • Type: Default Type
  • Efficiency: 99.9% Type
Category: Botox


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Botoxs botulinums toxin

Injection of small quantities of botulinum toxin into specific overactive muscles causes localized muscle relaxation that smooths the overlying skin and reduces wrinkles. Botulinum toxin effects take about two weeks to fully develop and last three to four months.

Great way to add volume to the top lip to allow your lip to be shown when smiling.2 week review results! As you can see the lines have definitely smoothed out significantly! However, a few top ups were needed in the frown area for that stubborn muscle!

Forehead and frown lines :30 minute time slot including consultation, treatment and aftercare- 2 week follow up required to review and top up any areas if needed.

BOTOX® (Botulinums Toxiin Type A) is indicated for the treatment of glabellar lines, hyperkinetic facial lines and hyperhidrosis1.

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The information provided here is merely illustrative and is not to substitute the advice of a trained registered medical practitioner. The information provided is not meant to encourage self-use decision by consumers.*

BOTOX® (Botulinum Toxin Type A) is a prescription-only drug available in select clinics/hospitals in select cities and is not available for direct sale to patients from retail/wholesale outlets.