  • 412

Lemon Bottle Ampoule Solution - 10ml X 5 Vials

  • Color: Default Color
  • Size: Default Size
  • Origin: China
  • Usage: Default Usage
  • Type: Default Type
  • Efficiency: 99.9% Type
Category: Emily


Fat Dissolving Treatment Staffordshire | Lemon Bottle Lipolysis

What is Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving?
Lemon Bottle is the new advanced non-invasive revolution in fat dissolution, a groundbreaking solution designed to tackle stubborn fat deposits. This innovative treatment involves swift and virtually painless injections of a unique formula directly into targeted areas of the body. These are the same areas that often resist the most diligent dietary changes and exercise efforts. Lemon Bottle is celebrated for its exceptional and rapid results without the need for any downtime.

How To Use Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolve?

Unlike other PC/DC fat dissolvers, Lemonbottle is a new mechanism made of natural ingredients. This is a completely different usage from other fat dissolvers so let me share our protocol as you see the total amount of injection is divided by the point injected into one injection site. for example, the total usage for the tummy is 30-40ml so into 8 points, per 1 point will be about 3~4ml.So it is very difficult to inject with an insulin needle. In addition, insulin needles are very short and do not penetrate the subcutaneous fat layer.Since the length of the needle must be different for each customer, it is not possible to give an accurate guide, but I think 16mm-25mm is suitable

Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving Injections Treatment Lipolysis 5 X 10ml - Lose  Weight and Lemonbottle