  • 398

Toxta 100 Units Botulinum Toxin Type A Botox Anti Wrikles

  • Color: Default Color
  • Size: Default Size
  • Origin: China
  • Usage: Default Usage
  • Type: Default Type
  • Efficiency: 99.9% Type
Category: alisa


Benefits of Toxta 100ui


·         Smooth out wrinkles.

·         It as well, targets wrinkles around eyes, eyebrows and the forehead.

·         Moreover, it is safe and low immune resistance risk.


·         Also, high purity for faster and more consistent effect.


How to use Toxta 100ui?


The drug is produced in the form of a lyophilisate (white powder, which is used to prepare a solution for injection), in glass, tightly closed vials with a volume of 100 units.


You should also dilute it with 0.9% saline solution.


Warnings Of Usage


·         First, the injected area may show erythema

·         Also do not press hard or rub the area you injected it

·         As well, avoid smoking and drinking for 2 weeks

·         Moreover, avoid massage, sauna, and active exercise for 2 weeks


·         In addition, avoid chewing tough, hard food after masseter muscle treatment